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Nieva en Benidorm
Isabel Coixet (2020)
Index card
  • Title: Nieva en Benidorm
  • Original Title: Nieva en Benidorm
  • Country: España
  • Screening date: 11/12/2020
  • Spanish distributor: Bteam
  • Direction: Isabel Coixet
  • Script: Isabel Coixet
  • Cast: Timothy Spall, Sarita Choudhury, Pedro Casablanc, Carmen Machi
  • Rating: NR12

Peter Riordan is a lonely, maniacal and methodical man, obsessed with meteorological phenomena. When he is given early retirement at the Manchester bank where he has worked all his life, he decides to visit his brother, Daniel, who lives in Benidorm. Upon his arrival in the city, he discovers that his brother has disappeared and that he was the owner of a burlesque club where Alex works, a mysterious woman who has a powerful fascination over him. Peter and Alex try to find out what happened to Daniel, helped by a policeman obsessed with the presence of Sylvia Plath in the 1950s in Benidorm.
