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Nosaltres a l'endemà
Alisa Kovalenko (2023)
Index card
  • Title: Nosaltres a l'endemà
  • Original Title: We will not fade away
  • Country: Ucrania
  • Screening date: 05/12/2023
  • Spanish distributor: Docs Barcelona
  • Direction: Alisa Kovalenko
  • Script: Alisa Kovalenko
  • Rating: NR7

Five teenagers in the Donbas region of Ukraine try to escape Putin's bombardment and begin to imagine their future. Despite the war, these young people are determined to live their transition to maturity with hope and enthusiasm. They imagine themselves as painters, photographers, actresses or becoming the new Elon Musk. Meanwhile, outside, the sound of bombs and gunfire does not stop, but the group decides to pick up their project of traveling to Nepal that the war interrupted. They dream of escaping the war, but also, like any teenager, also the monotony of their small village. At one point, and against all odds, a real opportunity to travel comes up.
